This collection consists of materials relating to the Hart family. The collection includes two diaries kept by Isabella E. Hart, dating from Oct. 17, 1850-July 1, 1850 and Oct. 24, 1853-Feb. 28, 1854; two diaries kept by Isabella Hamilton, dating from Jan. 1, 1911-Nov. 17, 1911; several anonymous diaries ranging in dates from Jan.1, 1915 through Aug. 23, 1916; and a diary of Benjamin E. Hart, dating from Aug. 20, 1857-Nov. 28, 1857. The collection includes several other items including a stock receipt for the Amboy, Lansing and Traverse Bay Railroad Company, dated 1864; a bank note issued by the Bank of Lapeer, 1837; several issues of the Ladies Coronal edited by Isabella Hart; an invitation for the cornstone laying ceremony of the new state capitol, dated 1873, a notebook including Hart family history, and a Bible record of Hart family history.